Opportunities in the Buffalo National Park
The Ozark Society is committed to maintaining the water quality of the Buffalo National River and also improving the experience of park visitors – two opportunities present themselves now. Here are some activities we are pursuing.
Pre-National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) planning:
At the fall annual board meeting Laura Timby proposed that OS present the Buffalo River National US Park Service with two recommended changes in policy:
- Decrease congestion at access sites along the river by reducing long term parking on the gravel bars
- Require WAG bags for proper solid waste removal for all overnight floaters.
Mark Foust, superintendent of the Buffalo National River for the US Park Service, tells me that these topics, as well as many more, are already on the list of topics under review in their comprehensive management plan.

Mark Foust, BNR Superintendent
Other topics include: dogs on wilderness hiking trails, controlled burns in the park, bike use in the park, horse trails, and unpaved roads. Please pass along other such issues to board members:
- Laura Timby at laurab2053@gmail.com,
- Alice Andrews at alice209ok@yahoo.com,
- Stewart Noland at stewartnoland51@aol.com
- David Peterson at ospres@pzarksociety.net
Cemetery Maintenance:
There are at least 40 cemeteries in the Buffalo River National Park, much like the “Nars” cemetery near Woolum. Most have limited accessibility and many are disappearing under vines and other brush. Several of you may have ancestors buried in the Park. But the Park doesn’t have the resources to maintain these old cemeteries so the Buffalo National River Partners (BNRP) is working with the Park to identify cemeteries and then implement a plan for revitalization.

Nars Cemetery, 17 marked graves, 16 unmarked
If you would like to help with time or money please contact:
Dave Morton
P. O. Box 1700
Harrison AR 72602