Ozark Society is exempt from Federal Income Tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue code. Contributions to the Ozark Society are deductible under section 170 of the code.

Ozark Society Endowment Fund

The Ozark Society Endowment Fund provides an independent base of financial stability for the purpose of funding worthy projects or efforts that wholly support the goals of the Ozark Society.  You can contribute a variety of assets, including equities, real estate, life insurance, and IRAs. Contributions from required minimum distributions can be made tax free.  Professional guidance is available for incorporating gifts into estate plans and wills.

You can donate to the Ozark Society Endowment Fund by clicking the DONATE ONLINE button above or for more information on bequests contact Ashley Coldiron of the Arkansas Community Foundation: 501-372-1116.  Tell her you are interested in the Ozark Society Endowment Fund.

Ozark Society – Legal Fund Donations

The Legal Fund supports our legal costs and legislative costs in order to protect the wild and scenic waterways and wilderness areas in the Ozarks and Ouachitas.  You can click the “DONATE ONLINE” button above to donate online. If you would rather send a check, please write “Legal Fund” in the memo line and mail it to:

The Ozark Society,

PO Box 2914

Little Rock, AR 72203

Ozark Society – Conservation Activities

The Conservation Fund supports activities to protect our wilderness areas and scenic waterways in the Ozark and Ouachita areas of Missouri, Arkansas, and Louisiana.  You can click the “DONATE ONLINE” button above to donate online. If you would rather send a check, please write “Conservation Fund” in the memo line and mail it to:

The Ozark Society

PO Box 2914

Little Rock, AR 72203

Ozark Society – Youth Grant Fund

The Youth Grant Fund supports our targeted grant program to engage young people in conservation programs that help them appreciate the beauty and value of the natural environments in Ozarks and Ouachita areas of Arkansas, Louisiana, and Missouri.  You can click the “DONATE ONLINE” button above to donate online. If you would rather send a check, please write “Youth Grant Fund” in the memo line and mail it to:

The Ozark Society

PO Box 2914

Little Rock, AR 72203

Neil Compton Scholarship

You can Donate through or online form above of by a check payable to the University of Arkansas Foundation. Note on check that donation is for the Endowment for the Neil Compton Scholarship in the Natural Sciences, Account # 30-007500.

Send to:
University of Arkansas Foundation
300 University House
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72701-1201

Harold and Margaret Hedges Scholarship in Ornithology

You can donate through our online Donation form above or by a check payable to the University of Arkansas Foundation. Note on check that donation is for the Harold and Margaret Hedges Scholarship in Ornithology.

Send to:
University of Arkansas Foundation
300 University House
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72701-1201