About Lucas Parsch

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So far Lucas Parsch has created 4 blog entries.
26 08, 2020

OS Fall Elections October 3rd

By |2020-08-26T15:09:02-05:00August 26th, 2020|Categories: Fall 2020, Pack & Paddle|Tags: |

The fall meeting of the Ozark Society is scheduled to take place on Saturday, October 3, 2020 at Lake Nixon in Little Rock AR.  One order of business at the membership meeting will be the biennial election of members to the Ozark Society Board of Directors.  Positions up for election to a two-year term are:  President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Communications/Membership Chair, Conservation Chair, Education Chair, Community Engagement Chair, and Archival Chair.  In addition, two State Directors (i.e., board members at-large) each for Arkansas, Louisiana, and Missouri will also be elected. The Nominations Committee is seeking nominees, suggestions, and/or volunteers who are interested in serving on the Board of Directors by running for one of these important Ozark Society positions.  Interested persons, or those with suggestions for nominees should contact one of the following nominating committee members: Alice Andrews: osconservation@ozarksociety.net Lowell Collins: ossugarcreek@gmail.com Luke Parsch, Chair: osvp@ozarksociety.net A listing of current 2019-2020 Ozark Society Board members can be found at: www.ozarksociety.net/about-us/officers Duties of officers can be found in the Ozark Society Bylaws at www.ozarksociety.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/os-bylaws-9nov2019.pdf

26 08, 2020

Ninth Annual Neil Compton Day Event is Virtual This Year!

By |2020-08-26T15:08:48-05:00August 26th, 2020|Categories: Fall 2020, Pack & Paddle|Tags: |

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the ninth annual Neil Compton Day event celebrating what would have been Dr. Compton’s 108th birthday on August 1 was not held in person this year at the Compton Gardens and Conference Center in Bentonville AR.  Rather, it is being celebrated as an on-line virtual event on the Peel Compton Foundation’s website featuring a video playlist of recorded interviews highlighting Dr. Compton’s life, legacy, and contributions to the community. The celebration website is: www.peelcompton.org Video interviewees include: Ken Smith, author of The Buffalo River Handbook Sarah Anne Shipley, great granddaughter of Dr. Compton Stewart Noland, past President of the Ozark Society, and, Ross Noland, Executive Director of the Buffalo River Foundation. In addition, there is a video clip of an interview with David Esterly who created the wood sculpture “Dr. Compton’s Letter Rack” which was displayed in Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville AR in 2019, and an excerpt from Larry Foley’s documentary film, The Buffalo Flows.  The Ozark Society, the Ozark Society Foundation, the Highlands Chapter, and the Sugar Creek Chapter are proud to have co-sponsored this annual event along with the Peel Compton Foundation.

9 03, 2020

Bob Cross Receives the Neil Compton Award for 2019

By |2020-03-09T13:14:53-05:00March 9th, 2020|Categories: Pack & Paddle, Spring 2020|Tags: |

Seventy people gathered at the Butterfield Trail Village Lodge in Fayetteville on Jan. 26 to honor Robert A. (“Bob”) Cross as the 2019 recipient of the Neil Compton Award.  The award is given to individuals who embody the inspiration, dedication, and perseverance of the Ozark Society’s Founder and first president, Dr. Neil Compton, in conserving our natural treasures and resources in the Ozarks and surrounding regions. The room was full, the conversation was at a high decibel level, and the food and drink were abundant.  Tom Perry, chair of the Highlands Chapter which hosted the event, opened the program by welcoming the guests.  As Bob was presented with a plaque and handmade wood puzzle, Ozark Society President David Peterson remarked how Bob’s steady investigation and analysis of the handbooks, reports, and data regarding the permitting and operation of the C&H hog farm was key to the dissolution of the farm.  Patti Kent, a member of the Highlands Chapter, described her first hiking adventures back in the 1990s with Bob as hike leader.  Janet Parsch read the nomination letter that she and Luke Parsch had written to nominate Bob for the award.  Luke Parsch, Ozark Society Vice President, presented Bob with [...]

7 09, 2018

Ozark Society Election of Officers October 13th

By |2018-12-10T14:33:48-06:00September 7th, 2018|Categories: Fall 2018, Pack & Paddle|

The fall meeting of the Ozark Society will take place at Lake Claiborne State Park in northwest Louisiana over the weekend of October 12-14 (Fri-Sun).  One important order of business at the membership meeting on October 13 will be the election of officers to the Ozark Society Board of Directors.  Positions up for election to a two-year term are:  President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Conservation Chair, Education Chair, Membership Chair, and Communications Chair/Pack & Paddle Editor.  In addition, State Directors (i.e., board members at-large) for Arkansas, Louisiana, and Missouri will also be elected. The Nominations Committee is seeking nominees and/or volunteers who are interested in serving on the Board of Directors by running for one of these important Ozark Society positions.  Interested persons should contact one of the following nominating committee members for more information: Janet Nye:  jbnye14@swbell.net or 501-258-7138 Luke Parsch:  lparsch@uark.edu or 479-442-3817 Sandy Roerig:  sroeri@lsuhsc.edu or 318-686-9481 A listing of current 2017-18 Ozark Society Board members can be found at https://www.ozarksociety.net/about-us/ozark-society-officers-2015-2016/   Duties of officers can be found in the Ozark Society Bylaws at https://www.ozarksociety.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/BYLAWS_4-2010.pdf


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