
About Marvin Schwartz

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So far Marvin Schwartz has created 4 blog entries.
13 09, 2021

Ozark Society Foundation News

By |2021-11-04T17:18:13-05:00September 13th, 2021|Categories: Fall 2021, Pack & Paddle|

The Ozark Society Foundation has three projects in active status, each one involving board members and dedicated community volunteers: Youth Grants: Based on the success of the first-year program, OSF Board member Roslyn Imrie and a committee of local environmental educators launched Year 2 of the Youth Grants program. The program will engage youth in active environmental projects. Grant proposals may be submitted from schools and nonprofit organizations in the Ozarks region (Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Louisiana). Project funding between $1,000 and $3,000 will be awarded based on the scope and needs of the student activity. Up to ten projects may be funded. Applications will be accepted from August 23 to October 16, 2020. Award notification and funds distribution will occur by December 2020. Projects will have one year to complete their objectives. Final grant reports will be due by November 2022. Documentary Film: The film production crew, West Creative Group of Springfield, MO, is busy creating initial scripts and first-draft footage after an active half-year of research, interviews, and site shoots. A diverse committee of OS/OSF board members and community volunteers are reviewing the work in process. The film (yet unnamed) will be a 53-minute documentary that tells the history of public policy issues relating to [...]

9 03, 2021

Ozark Society Foundation News

By |2021-03-09T14:29:57-06:00March 9th, 2021|Categories: Pack & Paddle, Spring 2021|Tags: |

The second printing of Ozark Forest Forensics is completed. Published in 2019 and co-authored by Fred Paillet and Steve Stephenson, the book is once again available through our store. The authors are planning public programs for the book later this year. A second printing of “Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines of Arkansas” is in process. The new field guide has had very strong sales and high public recognition, including citations from the Arkansas Senate and House of Representatives. The book also reached the top of an Amazon list, noted as the #1-selling new book in the nation in Botany. OSF will launch the Sassafras Award for Excellence in Environmental Writing next month. The award will be given to a literary work that addresses conservation issues in the areas where OS/OSF operates. The winner will be announced in early 2022. Finalist judge for the award is Davis McCombs, director of the University of Arkansas Creative Writing Program and a former park ranger at Mammoth Cave National Park. In addition, the Foundation Endowment Fund has been established with the Arkansas Community Foundation. And new activity is underway in the mammoth effort to digitize all OSF files from past and current projects and [...]

7 12, 2020

Ozark Society Foundation News

By |2020-12-07T12:33:52-06:00December 7th, 2020|Categories: Pack & Paddle, Winter 2020|Tags: |

Much has been going on for the OSF. The youth grant program is underway, and “Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines of Arkansas” is published. To get the youth grants started, board member Roslyn Imrie worked with community partner volunteers to define the grant criteria and select the best projects. For the trees book, board member Ken Leonard worked with the authors to complete the large manuscript and coordinated with state agencies and donors for resources and support. Both projects were well received by the public because they are clearly linked to our mission of education. The trees field guide continues the OSF tradition as a publisher of books. And the grants program introduces a new focus on youth engagement in conservation. Two additional activities are planned, the OSF Endowment Fund and the award for excellence in environmental writing. The Endowment Fund will assure our organization has longevity well into the future. The Endowment Fund will be part of an updated OSF financial strategy for annual budget and investment decisions. The award for excellence in environmental writing is planned for launch in March 2021, avoiding competing for public attention with the new book. Board membership has changed recently. Rex Robbins has [...]

8 06, 2020

The Ozark Society Foundation is Busy!

By |2020-06-08T14:55:10-05:00June 8th, 2020|Categories: Pack & Paddle, Summer 2020|Tags: |

The Ozark Society Foundation has several new projects in planning stages. Trees Book The creation of a new field guide, “Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines of Arkansas,” is underway. The book will be a 400-page color compendium of state flora, scheduled to be available later this year. Photo in consideration for cover of new Arkansas Trees book. The work leading up to “Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines of Arkansas” started in 2012 by then-OSF Board Chair Kim Smith. The project initially focused on revising a previously published OSF book, a field guide to state trees, shrubs, and vines authored by Carl Hunter. Because Hunter’s original photos were unavailable and more contemporary materials were accessible, OSF chose to create a new field guide. Until recently, project progress was delayed by organizational transition, professional relocation, and the death of individuals. At this time, the book co-authors, Jennifer Ogle and Theo Witsell, are completing the final content. OSF has submitted proposals to several funders to support the graphic designer and printer work, public programs, and book promotion. Literary Award Planning is underway to establish an annual award for excellence in writing on ecology, natural resources, and other themes that align with the OS [...]

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