Water Quality Updates
By Brian Thompson, OS President Proposed Rule 37 - Nutrient Trading The municipalities of NW Arkansas are under a lot of pressure to reduce nutrient output due to the longstanding controversy with Oklahoma over the effects of excessive nutrients on the Illinois River. Every successive upgrade to sewer processing results in expenses that are orders of magnitude greater than previous nutrient reduction upgrades. This is one reason why we’ve challenged the land application of industrial waste, as allowing those applications in the same watershed is only adding to the problem. To ADEQ’s credit, they have halted granting those permits for the moment. Searching for other solutions, ADEQ has proposed a new “rule” to allow something called Nutrient Trading. In short, this would allow municipalities to increase nutrients in their effluent output provided they secure a “credit" from landowners to reduce non-point source nutrient run-off. We think this is an idea worth exploring as bringing more focus to non-point sources of nutrients is long overdue. Long standing practices of land applying poultry litter and industrial waste has resulted in high concentrations of phosphorus in pastures across Arkansas. As always, the difficulty is in the details. [...]