What Can You Say to Climate Deniers?
By Fred Paillet, OS Education Chair One of the most often cited facts by climate deniers is the known history of climate fluctuation in the recent geologic record. The idea is that we know climate fluctuates naturally, so that changes in weather patterns need not be related to any man-made condition. When those of my generation were educated about climate the idea that vast ice sheets once covered northern states was already established. The cause of those past conditions was a mysterious natural part of the earth’s climate system. Any human-induced climate effects would surely pale in comparison with these much more dramatic and well-documented changes. In fact, we should really appreciate the divine blessing of fossil fuels. They ensure our comfortable survival when climate turns colder. They provide for air conditioning and irrigation when things get hotter. Global warming is just a distraction created by liberals to cripple the energy industry in its effort to insulate us from inevitable natural climate variation. Those much-hyped feedback effects are just so much hypothetical malarky. Sixty years after I graduated from high school, the cause of ice age climate is much better understood. The real lesson from that understanding is how [...]